Monday 18 May 2015

... the brassicas

Greetings everyone,

Another scorching hot day today here in eastern Ontario. 

We managed to clear out a section of the veggie garden and we got all the brassicas planted, namely the broccoli, kohlrabi and the kale. I also did a bit more work on the new strawberry patch and we finished transplanting the rhubarb into their new homes. There was a lot of grass roots in with them so I really had to pull them apart a bit to clean them up. Hope I got all of it.

We are having very high humidity today and we are now hearing on our radio a constant warning about a possible tornado. 

I have never heard one of these warnings before so we are not taking this too lightly. One storm has already passed over us. The skies were very very dark, we had buckets of rain and a bit of wind. We checked the Environment Canada radar and we can see a second storm coming. It is a big one. And it is heading our way.

As I write this, the sun has gone in and it is starting to get darker again. Just to be prudent, I will say goodbye for now and get the dogs into the house to keep them safe. Better go and find out where Frank is as he should come in also.

Thanks for visiting. Cheers.

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