Wednesday 9 September 2015

... heirloom tomatoes

A very good day to you all,

It would appear that the heat wave has finally broken here. We now have all the windows wide open and some cooling air is finally coming into the house.
Just as well, as you will see shortly.

We have been out collecting the heirloom tomatoes from the garden. Pretty much all of them have wonderful flavour but not all as I will note later. The one thing we have noticed from a great many of them is the size which can be absolutely HUGE!

Just take a look at this one. It clocked in at over 2 pounds! The problem though is that there is so much waste what with having to cut off all the icky bits. This one and this second picture of a much more reasonable looking tomato are called Dr. Wyche's Yellow and the taste is superb.

This next photo shows the following varieties, left to right:
Green Zebra, Black Icicle, Green Sausage, Purple Bumblebee and Black Cherry. They are all delicious. We are thinking that next year we may plant out more of the Black Icicle and make a batch of tomato sauce with them. I am sure it would be wonderful as it is one of the best tasting tomatoes we have grown this year.

We gathered all of the tomatoes that were ripe, both the paste variety which is mostly San Marzano and all of the other ones and made a batch of tomato sauce. The larger tomatoes were somewhat watery so we added a couple cans of tomato paste to bulk up the sauce. This small batch is not enough to haul out the canning jars and the kettle so I will just freeze it for now.

One comment I do wish to make on one of the tomato varieties, namely Chadwick Cherry, is that I found it to be very bland and lacking in that zing of tomato flavour that you expect from an heirloom. We will not grow it again.

Well that is all from me for today. With the arrival of the cooler weather I will be back out in the garden getting in those new veggie beds and a few other projects before the weather turns cold. I have seen some maple trees turning colour already so the autumn season is fast approaching. It is absolutely my favourite season of the year. I love the crisp temperatures meaning I need a sweater and the stunning autumnal colours.

Hope you all have a terrific week. Will be back soon to report on the squash harvest. Thanks for stopping by. Cheers.

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