Sunday, 24 April 2016

... weeding asparagus

Hello there everybody,

When we first put in our asparagus beds we had no idea what sort of plants were actually growing there. Frank grabbed the roto-tiller and cleared the area. I spent quite a lot of time forking through the area and removing the clumps of roots. After that we planted the asparagus.

Several years later we now know that those plants were in fact perennial weeds. Some of the worst of them are Sheep Sorrel and Tufted Vetch. Both are unbelievably difficult to eradicate.

 This year I decided to give it my best effort to clear out the beds. I have spent quite a lot of time weeding each bed, digging out as much of the weeds as I possibly can. 

As you can see from this photo, it was quite a challenge to get rid of the nasty little beggars. Each bed took from 4-6 hours to weed thoroughly.

After clearing each bed I have topped it up with a nice rich triple mix to provide a better growing medium for the asparagus crowns.

As each bed is finished I have to admit that I do have a sense of accomplishment. I know that a lot of the weeds will certainly regrow but now that I have the beds cleared I can keep an eye on them and dig out the new weeds the minute I see them.

That is all for now. Thanks so much for stopping by today. Have a great week.

  ~ Melanie ~

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