Saturday, 23 April 2016

... tomatoes and lots more seedlings

Hello again everybody,

The tomatoes are doing just wonderful. They are sitting in a south facing window and I turn the flat 4 times everyday to keep them growing straight. I have also taken them outside for about 10 minutes a day for a good thorough watering. As it is nearly always breezy here, I think it is good for them to have the wind blow on them a bit to make the stems nice and strong.

I do find it quite interesting to notice the difference between the different varieties of tomato. Some, like Brandywine, are quite large. Others, like the Purple Bumblebee cherry tomato, are still only a couple inches tall although they were all started on the same day.

This second flat of seedlings is a bit of a mixed bag. Lots of brassicas. Broccoli, kohlrabi, kale (seed germinated very poorly), 2 varieties of cabbage, Brussels Sprouts, spinach and three varieties of beets. 

I have never grown beets in a pot to transplant before but I read about it in a gardening book so I thought I would give it a try to see what happens. I will still sow the seed directly into the garden as well but I am curious to see if these beets will do well and how much earlier they will be. They do not have to be pricked out and potted on, they will just be separated and popped into the garden bed.

The rest of the brassicas which are still quite small with just their seed leaves will need to be potted on into cell packs until they are big enough to be planted out. That will not be until they have their first set of true leaves.

I have also started more seeds. Celeriac, which I have never grown before, 3 varieties of lettuce, more Spinach, 2 varieties of Swiss Chard, 2 varieties of Courgette (zucchini) and 2 varieties of Cucumber. 

Well I believe that is all I have to report on for now. Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a great weekend. Cheers.

 ~ Melanie ~ 

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