Wednesday, 25 November 2015

... how to never waste bacon

Good evening everybody,

How often have you purchased a package of bacon, used up some of it and then forgotten all about it only to find the last few slices have turned into something truly horrible in the back of your refrigerator.

That used to happen to us as we do not really eat a lot of bacon, much as we both love it.

In an effort to stop the madness we now deal with the bacon in a different way. 

As soon as we open the package we take out the amount that we need for that first meal and then all the rest of it gets laid out on a piece of wax paper on a cookie sheet and goes into the freezer. As soon as it is frozen, the wax paper is wrapped around the bacon and it goes into a zip top bag, appropriately labelled "Bacon", and back into the freezer it goes.

Whenever you want one slice or six slices simply remove what you want from the bag and cook it from frozen. It will defrost in the pan almost immediately.

No more wasted bacon and if you happen to need to slice it for a recipe it is much easier to slice frozen bacon than fresh.

Well that is all from me for tonight. Have a great evening. Cheers.

1 comment:

  1. Great advice! When Ken and I buy bacon we buy it by the 11kg box! So we definitely have to split it up once we get it home. We usually put 6 to 8 slices together (depending on how wide the slices are). so being prepared and freezing the bacon is definitely the way to go!
