Wednesday, 19 August 2015

... the heat wave

Hello everyone,

As I mentioned in my last post, we are in yet another heat wave here in Eastern Ontario.

It is horrific to say the least both because of the temperature and the killer humidity but also because it has lasted so long. We are into about 8 days I believe of this heat.

I must confess that I have done absolutely nothing at all in the garden. Frank has been out there a couple of times to give the beds a good watering and to pick the never ending harvest of courgettes but that is about it. I simply cannot cope with this kind of heat and humidity. It actually makes me physically ill.

I have been checking the weather almost hourly to see when it is to break and we still have a ways to go yet. Tomorrow will be another hot and stinky day but the humidity should be leaving us some time Friday night. It is actually 1:00 in the morning as I write this as it is too hot in the house for me to sleep. We can usually hold out for 3-4 days with the heat but this long and it finally gets into the house and we cannot get it out again as the temperatures do not cool off enough at night. The house has been getting steadily hotter and hotter every day.

So hopefully the next time I post we will be back to normal temperatures and I will have something of interest to relay rather than just whining about the heat.  :)

Thanks for stopping by. Try to stay cool if you live in my neck of the woods. Cheers.

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