Sunday, 5 July 2015

... kiwi and the "other" veg patch

Hello again, second post of the day.  :)

I completely forgot about posting about the other area of the veg garden, so here it is. 

Back in 2012 we cleared a section of the garden and I planted it out with veg for Frank to eat while he was living here building the house. It was great that year but then we did not plant a garden the following two years.

We cleaned it out somewhat this summer, well at least part of it anyway, and we planted it out.

I have stuffed one section with the rest of the tomato plants. Gosh, I bet there are 60 to 70 of them in the entire garden now! I plan to can the tomatoes as well as making sauce and of course, the toasted tomato sandwich. The plants are small but they have a couple of months to put on some growth and hopefully produce some fruits.

Another good sized section we filled up with squash. Some are bush and some are a vine type but they can grow all over wherever they like. There is also another space where I tucked in a couple of tows of beans from old seed that I found. If it does not come up, not a problem.

In addition to the strawberries we planted this year and the aggressive raspberries, we have three hardy kiwi plants. This year we had a late cold snap and all of the growth was killed off. Fortunately the plants are in fact quite hardy and have begun to grow again. There will be no fruit this year but there is always next year. Gardeners are eternal optimists, are we not?  :)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Thanks for visiting with me. Cheers.

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