Hello everyone,
As you probably know if you have read this blog before, we live out in the country in eastern Ontario, Canada.
There is abundant wildlife all around us. Just last week we even had a bear come calling and it checked out my compost bucket (but thankfully left it alone).
We have two dogs, both retired service dogs, Yellow Labrador Retrievers, brother and sister. They love it out here. The female, Amber, especially as she is an adventurer. When we let them out she will go bounding off into the trees to see what she can find. At night one of us goes out with them to be sure there is nothing lurking out there that could cause trouble. So far, so good. Nothing at all has happened to either of them.
We were in Burlington, Ontario to attend a family function this past weekend and we took them with us. We stayed at Frank's parents house, right in the heart of Burlington. We were sitting in the back garden after dinner. The mosquitoes had gone and it was a lovely evening. Then, suddenly Amber got up and dashed around the back of Dad's shed. Her brother, Teally, followed. Both came out the other side almost immediately snorting and rubbing their faces on the grass. Teally was actually frothing at the mouth.
What had happened? I am sure you have already guessed. Sprayed by a skunk.
They have managed to live for several years here in the country and nothing has happened to them but their first trip back to the big city and they get nailed.
We bathed them three times that night. Toothpaste lathered up and rinsed off with tomato juice. Then peroxide mixed with baking soda and dish soap. We did that one twice. After we had got them washed, Amber saw the skunk again and off she went. You have no doubt already guessed what happened. She got sprayed again. They say that Labs are one of the smartest breed of dog. I have to tell you after this experience, I have my doubts. She got washed again and both dogs slept in an enclosed porch overnight.
The next day we had a 5 hour drive back home with 2 stinky dogs in the back seat.
I called out Vet who has recommended a product called Skunk Off shampoo. Frank has just thoroughly washed the both of them with it. We will see how well it works. Frank says that the spot on the lawn where he washed them really smells bad so we can hope that he has washed off all the oils off them and the smell will dissipate outside. Stay tuned for the results. We will see how they smell after they are dry. Fingers crossed.
Thanks for visiting. If you know of any foolproof methods for getting rid of skunk smells, I am all ears!! Cheers.
As you probably know if you have read this blog before, we live out in the country in eastern Ontario, Canada.
There is abundant wildlife all around us. Just last week we even had a bear come calling and it checked out my compost bucket (but thankfully left it alone).
We have two dogs, both retired service dogs, Yellow Labrador Retrievers, brother and sister. They love it out here. The female, Amber, especially as she is an adventurer. When we let them out she will go bounding off into the trees to see what she can find. At night one of us goes out with them to be sure there is nothing lurking out there that could cause trouble. So far, so good. Nothing at all has happened to either of them.
We were in Burlington, Ontario to attend a family function this past weekend and we took them with us. We stayed at Frank's parents house, right in the heart of Burlington. We were sitting in the back garden after dinner. The mosquitoes had gone and it was a lovely evening. Then, suddenly Amber got up and dashed around the back of Dad's shed. Her brother, Teally, followed. Both came out the other side almost immediately snorting and rubbing their faces on the grass. Teally was actually frothing at the mouth.
What had happened? I am sure you have already guessed. Sprayed by a skunk.
They have managed to live for several years here in the country and nothing has happened to them but their first trip back to the big city and they get nailed.
We bathed them three times that night. Toothpaste lathered up and rinsed off with tomato juice. Then peroxide mixed with baking soda and dish soap. We did that one twice. After we had got them washed, Amber saw the skunk again and off she went. You have no doubt already guessed what happened. She got sprayed again. They say that Labs are one of the smartest breed of dog. I have to tell you after this experience, I have my doubts. She got washed again and both dogs slept in an enclosed porch overnight.
The next day we had a 5 hour drive back home with 2 stinky dogs in the back seat.
I called out Vet who has recommended a product called Skunk Off shampoo. Frank has just thoroughly washed the both of them with it. We will see how well it works. Frank says that the spot on the lawn where he washed them really smells bad so we can hope that he has washed off all the oils off them and the smell will dissipate outside. Stay tuned for the results. We will see how they smell after they are dry. Fingers crossed.
Thanks for visiting. If you know of any foolproof methods for getting rid of skunk smells, I am all ears!! Cheers.