Thursday, 18 June 2015

... scapes!!!

A very good evening to you all!

The weather has been unbearably hot all day today. Thank goodness there was a good rain storm and that seems to have cleared the air and we will be able to have a comfortable night.

In the meantime, let's talk "Scapes".

I mean garlic scapes. If you decide you want to grow your own garlic and you choose to grow a hardneck variety, you will enjoy a wonderful little extra besides great heads of garlic. I mean scapes!

This is our little bed of garlic. It is doing quite well this year and it has just produced a lovely little crop of scapes.

Now there are two trains of thought about scapes. Some people think that you should just leave them on the plant. Others think that it is better to remove them. I agree with the latter. But not just to remove them for the benefit of the plant but because they are DELICIOUS!

You can eat all of the scape except the tail which is completely inedible which I am noting in this photo.

Simply cut the tail off and discard it.

I made a meat loaf for dinner tonight along with some roasted potatoes and I also roasted a nice little pile of scapes.

A light drizzle of olive oil and some salt and pepper and pop them into a hot oven of about 350F for about 10 minutes or so.

When they come out they are wonderfully crisp and almost crunchy and utterly delicious. 

There are other ways of preparing scapes but we only got one pound off all the garlic plants so we will not be able to try them all. Tonight roasted scapes, tomorrow, scape pesto. Yum. Cannot wait. Give them a try.

Thanks so much for visiting with me tonight. Have a great evening. Cheers.

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