Friday, 29 July 2016

... the coop and the ladies

Hello again...

We was a great deal of excitement here yesterday. We went to an heirloom hatchery in Quebec and we picked up our chickens.

There were hundreds and hundreds of birds there, all ages from day olds to somewhat more mature birds such as we brought home. Ours range in age from 8 to 12 weeks. We had originally ordered 8 birds but selected 2 extra when we were there. I would have loved to bring them all home....they were SO cute.

First of all I have a few shots of the finished chicken coop. Frank put in an enormous amount of work making it predator proof as the pressure is quite high here.

The door that you see on the left leads into a storage/feed room. We have extra straw in there, the feed in a galvanized can and a few tools to use in the coop.

 The coop has two windows, one facing south and the other east, both of which have been covered in hardware cloth. There is also a window in the top of the door. I intend to add a hardware cloth covered screen door so they will have more sunshine and also better ventilation. The prevailing wind here is from the west and the feed room is on the west side of the coop to provide a bit of insulation in the winter.

The coop has two pop holes for the birds to exit when we have built the runs. They are secured with locked latches that should prove to be raccoon proof. 

Frank installed a ceiling in the coop and we will put insulation up there. The roof has ridge venting for ventilation and there is a trap door in the ceiling that you can raise and lower using a pulley in the feed room. This will help with additional ventilation and also help to draw off the heat in the summer. We have positioned the coop just to the east of a large pine tree which should provide some shade for them during the afternoon heat as well as act as a wind break in the winter.

Inside they have a large roost which will easily allow all of them to roost at night.

There is a decent size dust bath in the corner. It is filled with ordinary garden soil, sifted ash from the woodstove and livestock grade diatomaceous earth. This picture also shows the inside of one of the pop holes with little cross pieces to make it easy for them to climb in and out.

In this picture we have the waterer and the feeder side by side. This morning we moved the feeder to the south wall as there will be less chance of the food ending up in the water which happened overnight. 

There are 4 nest boxes with a small ladder to reach them. The nest boxes have a wooden lip at the front to keep eggs from falling out. This photo also shows the pop hole on the east side of the building.

And Now... let me introduce the ladies. There are 10 of them in total.

This little black and white speckled beauty is my favourite. She is a Hamburg. We have decided to call her Hamburger which may seem inappropriate but it seems to fit the little sweetie. She is already getting quite brave and will walk up to me when I enter the coop.

This one is actually a mutant Naked Neck in that she does NOT in fact have a naked neck at all. I really loved her colouring. 

This one is an Andalusian. She is basically white but just a few faint grey feathers on her. You can barely make them out around her neck.

We have three of these all black Australorps. The largest of these three has already established herself as the alpha in the coop and has been bullying several of the other birds a bit. Hopefully that will end soon as they become accustomed to their new surroundings.

Lastly we have four Jersey Giants, the bruisers of the egg laying world. The hens can easily weigh in at 10 pounds and they will lay extra large brown eggs.

Here is a nice shot of them all mingling.

I went in to check on them this morning and they were certainly not as skittish around me as they were last night. I want them to be very comfortable with me around them and also, quite frankly, I love to watch them doing their chicken things.

That is it for today. Thanks so much for stopping by. Do leave me any comments or questions that you may have. Have a wonderful weekend. Cheers.

 ~ Melanie ~

.... garlic harvest

Hello there...

The garlic harvest proved to be fantastic. Absolutely the best garlic we have ever grown.

I should have taken a picture of all of it after I had harvested it but I forgot.

However I do have a shot of the bundles that I made of them. You cannot exactly braid them as they are hardneck but you can sort of bundle them up which is what I did. 

I plan to hang them up in our storage closet which will sort of double as a cold room this winter. 

We are really pleased with them.

Thanks a lot for stopping by. I will be back with a second post today with some very exciting new. Well... exciting for us anyway. Cheers.

 ~ Melanie ~

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

... garden cushion

Hello again everyone,

It is a feast or a famine with me, is it not?  :) Two posts in one day!

I am back with another post today to show you a project I did to make my life in the garden a little easier.

First of all, we need to talk about weeding styles.

Some people stand, bent over from the waist and do their weeding.

Others prefer the crouch method where you sort of squat down with your bottom almost touching your heels.

And still others prefer to kneel or sit on the ground.

I am in the last category. Especially if I have a large area to deal with. If I am just wandering through the beds to see how things are going and what is getting ready to harvest I will certainly bend down to grab a weed if I see one.
Otherwise, I am right down kneeling on the ground.

There is one small problem with that. Actually not that small... my pathways are all pea stone. Pea stone is not at all comfortable to kneel upon. In fact it is downright painful.

I began to look around in the gardening catalogs at the various fancy devices that they have to solve this problem. The one main thing that they all had in common was the price. Don't get me wrong... my comfort when I am out there for several hours working is important to me.... however a hefty price tag for that comfort is not.

I got to thinking that I could come up with something to solve the problem. 

And I did.

I purchased a pillow form from a fabric store. Nice big one... 20" square.

 Then I bought a small piece of plastic tablecloth material from our local hardware store. 

Total cost of both was $11.00

I merely covered the pillow with the plastic fabric and presto....  It was a bit of work wrestling that cushion in the sewing machine but where there is a will, there is a way.

I now have a nice, large and I may say very comfortable cushion to kneel or sit upon while I am working.

If I should happen to leave it out there and it rains, no matter, it is plastic. I double stitched all around it so hopefully that should keep out any water.

That is it for me for today... promise. :)  Need to go and deal with the garlic harvest. Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.  Cheers.

 ~ Melanie ~

... broccoli harvest

Hello everybody,

Despite the fact that we are still going through a horrendous drought, we have actually managed to get a very decent broccoli crop.

I prefer to grow open-pollinated heirlooms for most of my vegetables but there is one notable exception. 

I grow an F1 hybrid broccoli named "Goliath". They produce very large plants that you absolutely must not crowd when you plant them and also very large heads, often about 10" in diameter as you can see from these photos.

The flavour is very good... after all, that is one of the reasons why we grow our own, is it not?

I harvested the main head from all the plants and left them to grow on as Goliath will usually produce side shoots as well, which in fact they did. These have also been cut now. They are not large but certainly well worth the few minutes of effort to go out and cut them as you can see here.

Of course we saved a few heads which we have been eating fresh but the balance of the broccoli was blanched and frozen in the same method that I use for everything else. The one difference is that I steam the broccoli rather than boil it as I think that the spears stay in better shape since the heads are rather delicate. After they are blanched and cooled they go on a wax paper lined cookie sheet and into the freezer. Then I bag them up in zippy bags for future use.

That is it from me for now. Thanks for visiting with me. Have a great day. Cheers.

 ~ Melanie ~

Friday, 8 July 2016

... kitchen garden update

Hello everyone,

I know it has been a while since I last posted but we have been busy.

We have completed the work on the raised beds that we intended to install this season. They are all built and filled and most have been planted. 

It is official. We are now experiencing the worst drought in this area of eastern Ontario since 1948. We are desperate for rain. Naturally, since we live in the countryside, we are on a well. We are lucky that ours is a deep, drilled well at 220 feet. A lot of our neighbours have shallow dug wells, some only 20 feet deep and most or very concerned about running out of water. I am also concerned and we use the water very sparingly. The only thing that gets watered are the pots of plants and the vegetables. I hand water all of it rather than just setting up a sprinkler that would waste water on the pathways. I only water every second day but give it a very thorough soaking.

Despite all the aforementioned doom and gloom the garden is doing very well. Last spring I ordered 22 tons of pea stone and the other day I finished shovelling all of it, by hand, and spreading it on the pathways between the raised beds on top of newspaper and landscape fabric. I have in fact run out and still have an area to finish up but will get a small load in the pickup truck. A few weeds still manage to get in there but they are weak and easy to remove.

I have a few photos I took this morning of the garden.

We planted some blueberry bushes 5 years ago and finally this year we have a bit of a crop from them. They are all under netting to keep the birds from getting the berries before we do.

As you can see from these remaining photos the garden is neat and tidy and all the plants are doing well. When it comes to flower gardens I tend to favour the English cottage garden look. In a veg garden, I want it neat, clean, weed free and easy to maintain. It was a lot of work putting in this garden but now the upkeep is mere minutes a day. Well worth all the hard graft.

We have been harvesting lots of spinach, lettuce, courgettes, chard, radish, arugula, peas and kohlrabi. I have just started more seeds of the brassicas and I have saved a bed for a fall crop. There is one other bed not yet planted out and I am saving that one for a fall crop of carrots and beets. I will cover that bed with straw and a tarp and hope to be able to harvest into the winter months if I can keep the ground from freezing.

Thanks so much for stopping by today. Hope you have a great day. If you are here in Ontario, I hope you get some rain and a break from this brutal heat and humidity. Cheers.

  ~ Melanie ~